Consumer Loan Licensing

Wading Through Consumer Loan Licensing Issues
Few industries face more intense governmental regulation than the consumer finance industry. Since 1996, Vestevich & Associates, P.C. has been a respected leader in consumer loan licensing. Each state has unique consumer lender licensing issues. Depending on a lender’s specific business model in any given state, the company may need a consumer loan license, a small loan license, a UCCC registration, or other license types. Further, the specific license(s) required will determined by multiple components of a lender’s business model, such as minimum and maximum loan amounts, APRs, in-state presence, and other factors.
Vestevich & Associates, P.C. offers its clients strategic legal counseling in all areas of consumer finance licensing thanks to our many years of experience in the field. From mortgage companies, consumer loan companies and money transmitters, to servicers, debt collectors and secondary market loan purchasers, our clients have covered the gamut of the consumer finance lending industry. By relying upon our lawyers to guide you through the licensing process from start to finish, you can focus what really matters – consumer loan lending.

Helping You Address Consumer Lending Challenges
When you retain our licensing law firm, you can rest assured that we’ll address all of your consumer loan licensing concerns in a professional, cost-effective manner. Having an experienced licensing law firm in your corner is crucial for your long-term success in consumer lending. Contact Vestevich & Associates, P.C. today to request a consultation and to see what we can do for your business!